Ayelet Sela is an assistant professor (lecturer) at Bar-Ilan University faculty of law in Israel, where she is also a member of the BIU LawData Lab and the BIU Data-Science Institute. Dr. Sela’s scholarship and teaching revolve around law and technology, dispute system design, courts, and online dispute resolution. Her work focuses on choice architecture, procedural design and access to justice in courts, online courts, online dispute resolution, and online legal services. She also works on the application of machine learning methods to legal data for analytical purposes and in order to develop automated decision-support tools and governance mechanisms. Dr. Sela is the recipient of multiple research grants and academic awards, most recently, the 2018 “Outstanding Article Award” by the International Institute for Conflict Resolution and Prevention (CPR) for her article “Can Computers be Fair? How Automated and Human-Powered Online Dispute Resolution Affect Procedural Justice in Mediation and Arbitration” 33 Ohio St. J. Disp. Resol. 91 (2018). Dr. Sela holds a JSD and JSM from Stanford Law School, where she was also a fellow in the Gould Negotiation and Dispute Resolution Center and the Codex Center for Legal Informatics. She earned an LL.B and “Amirim” Honors Program diploma from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and clerked for the Honorable Justice Eliezer Rivlin in the Israeli Supreme Court. For further information, see Dr. Sela’s faculty webpage and SSRN Author Page.