ODR Standards, Principles, & Guidelines

ODR Standards, Principles & Guidelines

Online Dispute Resolution Standards of the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution and the International Council for Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR) [click for complete May ’22 revised document] are based on:

Ethical Principles for Online Dispute Resolution, a Project of the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution

Statement of Endorsement of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Standards

ODR Standards Statement of Self-Certification

ODR Training Components Guidelines of the International Council for Online Dispute Resolution

Video Mediation Guidelines (English) of the International Council for Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR) (Arabic) (Hebrew)

Video Arbitration Guidelines of the International Council for Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR)

Payment ODR Standards of the International Council for Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR)


SCC (Stockholm Chamber of Commerce) Guide to the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Cases Administered Under the SCC Rules. (SCC Arbitration Institute), October 2024.

Study on Best Practices Using ODR. Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), January 2023.

Annotated Model Procedural Order for Remote Video Arbitration Proceedings. The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, Inc., 2021.

Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on online dispute resolution mechanisms in civil and administrative court proceedings. Council of Europe, 2021.

Model Order and Procedures for a Virtual Hearing via Videoconference. American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution, 2021.

Virtual Hearing Guide for Arbitrators and Parties Utilizing Zoom. American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution, 2021.

Guidance Note on Remote Dispute Resolution Proceedings. The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), 2020.

Guidance Note on Possible Measures Aimed at Mitigating the Effects of COVID-19. International Chamber of Commerce, 2020. [Video presentation]

Interim Measures: Practical Considerations for Arbitrators; [Video presentation] International Chamber of Commerce, 2020.

Guidelines for Virtual Hearings. Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre’s Guidelines for Virtual Hearings, 2020.

Protocol on Cybersecurity in International Arbitration. International Council for Commercial Arbitration, New York City Bar, and CPR International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution, 2020.

Protocol on Virtual Hearings in Africa. African Arbitration Academy, 2020.

Seoul Protocol on Video Conferencing in International Arbitration. Korean Commercial Arbitration Board International, 2020.

Using Zoom to Conduct Online Mediation: Considerations andResources for Community Dispute Resolution Program Centers. Michigan Supreme Court Office of Dispute Resolution, 2020.

Virtual Courts in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond. American Bar Association. Section of Litigation and Judicial Division. June 2020.

French legislation and decree on voluntary ODR platform certification

Recommended Best Practices for Online Dispute Resolution Service Providers. American Bar Association Taskforce on ECommerce and ADR.

Inclusive Courts Checklist by G3ICT, the Global Initiative for ICTs (June 2020).

APEC Collaborative Framework for Online Dispute Resolution of Cross-Border Business to Business Disputes, 2019.

Standards for ODR Platforms for Court Program Pilot by American Bar Association Section on Pro Bono and Public Service and Technology and Dispute Resolution Committee 2018.

UNCITRAL Technical Notes on Online Dispute Resolution, 2017.

OECD’s Guidelines for Consumer Protection in E-Commerce, 2016.

Federal Law of Consumer Protection on ODR for the Federal Consumer Protection Prosecutor Office of the Government of Mexico, 2015.

Government of Brazil standards for ODR platform, 2014.

Online Dispute Resolution Standards of Practice. Followed by ICANN, promulgated in 2009 by the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution.

European Commission Recommendation on the Principles Applicable to the Bodies Responsible for the Out-of-Court Settlement of Consumer Disputes (98/257/CE).

European Committee for Standardization Workshop’s Standardization of Online Dispute Resolution Tools.

International Mediation Institute Competency Criteria for E-Mediators.

International Mediation Institute e-Mediation Certification, Annex 1 and 2.

Mediating from a Distance: Suggested Practice Guidelines for Family Mediators.

Online Dispute Resolution Technical Interface Standards (Working Draft 3). National Center for State Courts (USA) (February 2019).

Privacy Online: OECD Guidance on Policy and Practice, Organization for Cooperation and Development, 2003.

Disputes in Cyberspace 2001: Update on Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in Cross-Border Disputes. Office for Developed and Transition Economies. Consumers International, 2001.


Publications with significant focused on Standards and Principles for ODR

  • Abedi, F., Zeleznikow, J. and Brien, C., (2019). Developing regulatory standards for the concept of security in online dispute resolution systems. Computer Law & Security Review, 35(5), 105328.
  • Abedi, F., Zeleznikow, J. and Brien, C. (2019). Universal standards for the concept of fairness in Online Dispute Resolution in B2C e-disputes. Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, 34, 357-392.
  • Abedi, F., Zeleznikow, J., & Bellucci E. (2019). Universal standards for the concept of trust in online dispute resolution systems in e-commerce disputes. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 27 (3), 209–237.
  • Austin, C. Online and Automated Dispute Resolution in New Zealand: A Law Reform and Regulation Perspective (April 3, 2018). Victoria University of Wellington Legal Research Paper, Student/Alumni Paper No. 20/2018.
  • Berto, R. (2017). European regulation on Online Dispute Resolution. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 4(2).
  • Byrom, Nancy. Digital Justice: HMCTS Data Strategy and Delivering Access to Justice Report and Recommendations. UK: The Legal Education Foundation. October 2019.
  • Cortes, P., Nagaragan, C., Vilalta Nicuesa, A.E. (2021) ODR for e-commerce: Legal standards and developments in Asia and Europe. In E. Katsh, & M.S. Abdel-Wahab (Eds.), Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice (2nd ed., pp. 249-274). Eleven International Publishers.
  • Cortes, Pablo. “Accredited Online Dispute Resolution Services: Creating European Legal Standards for Ensuring Fair and Effective Processes.” Information & Communications Technology Law, vol. 17, no. 3, Oct. 2008, 221–237.
  • Cortés, P. (2017). Directive 2013/11/EU on Alternative Dispute Resolution for consumers and regulation (EC) 524/2013 on Online Dispute Resolution. In A. Lodder & A Murray (Eds.), Commentary on the EU regulation of electronic commerce and information. Edward Elgar, 230-255.
  • Cortés, Pablo. Developing Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the EU: A Proposal for the Regulation of Accredited Providers, International Journal of Law and Information Technology. Oxford University Press, 2010.
  • Cortés, P. (2017). Regulatory developments in mediation and in technology supported mediation schemes in the UK. Computer and Telecommunications Law Review, 23(8), 208-212.
  • Cortés, P., & Cole, T. (2018). Legislating for an Effective and Legitimate System of Online Consumer Arbitration”. In M. Piers and C. Aschauer (Eds.), Arbitration in the Digital Age: The Brave New World of Arbitration. Cambridge University Press, 207-243.
  • Cowles, Maria Green Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce (GBDe). TA-Datenbank-Nachrichten, Nr. 4, 10. Jg., Dezember 2001, 70-79.
  • DeMars, J, Exon, Susan Nauss, Kovach, Kimberlee K., and Rule, Colin. “Virtual Virtues: Ethical Considerations for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Practice,” Dispute Resolution Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 6, 2010.
  • Ebner, N., & Zeleznikow, J. (2016). No sheriff in town: governance for the ODR field. Negotiation Journal, 32(4), 297-323.
  • Exon, Susan Nauss. “Ethics and Online Dispute Resolution: From Evolution to Revolution.” Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, vol. 32, no. 4, Oct. 2017, 609–664.
  • Gillibrand, N, & Draper, C. (2023). Informational sovereignty: A new framework for AI regulation. International Journal on Online Dispute Resolution, 10(1), 60-75.
  • Greenberg, E. E. & Ebner, N. (2018). Ethics meets the O in DR. New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer, 11(2), 7-9.
  • Goncalves, A. M. M., & Rainey, D. (2022). The universal disclosure protocol for mediation. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 9(2), 133-137.
  • Goncalves, A. M., & Rainey, D. (2018). Standards, qualifications, and certification for e-mediators. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 5(1-2).
  • Goncalves, A.M., Bogacz, F., & Rainey, D. (2019). Beyond the Singapore Convention. The importance of creating a ‘code of disclosure’ to make international commercial mediation mainstream. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 6(2).
  • Larson, David Allen. “Digital Accessibility and Disability Accommodations in Online Dispute Resolution: ODR for Everyone.” Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution, vol. 34, no. 3, July 2019, 431–458.
  • Loebl, Z. & Rezabkova, T., (2023). Forward-looking approach to Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in light of the current and forthcoming EU digital legislation. International Journal on Online Dispute Resolution, 10(1), 42-54.
  • Loebl, Z. (Sr.), & Loebl, Z (Jr.) (2017). Customer door codes: A proposal for a quasi-standard in the area of ODR and consumer tech. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 4(1).
  • Loebl, Zbynek. “Identifying and Establishing Standard ODR Processes.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 3(2), 2016, 125.
  • Rainey, Daniel. “Creating Standards for ODR.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 4(2), 2017, 21-25.
  • Rainey, D. Glimmers on the Horizon: Unique Ethical Issues Created by ODR. Dispute Resolution Magazine, (Winter 2015), 20-23.
  • Rainey, D., Abdel Wahab, M., Katsh, E. (eds.) (2021). ODR: Theory and practice. Eleven International.
  • Rainey, Daniel. “Model Standards for Mediators [Annotated for Online Dispute Resolution Practice in 2016].” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 3(1), 2017, 30-40.
  • Rainey, Daniel, et. al. Annotated model standards for mediators. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 3(1), 2016, 30-40.
  • Rainey, Daniel. Third-party ethics in the age of the fourth party. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 1(1), 2014, 37-56.
  • Ross, G. (2016). European businesses and the new European legal requirements for ODR. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 3(2).
  • Raymond, A. H., & Shackelford, S. J. Technology, ethics, and access to justice: Should an algorithm be deciding your case? Michigan Journal of International Law, 2014, 486-492.
  • Schmitz, A. and Wing, L.  “Beneficial and Ethical ODR for Family Issues.” Family Court Review, 59(2), 2021.
  • Shackelford, S. J., & Raymond, A.(2014). Building the virtual courthouse: Ethical considerations for design, implementation, and regulation in the world of ODR. Wisconsin Law Review, (January 29, 2014).
  • Vermeys, N. (2018). Les modes privés de prévention et de règlement des différends en ligne. In P.-C. Lafond (Ed.), Régler autrement les différends (2nd ed.). Lexis Nexis.
  • Vermeys, N. (2016). Le règlement en ligne des différends de cyberconsommation. In P.-C. Lafond & V. Gautrais (Eds.), Le consommateur numérique : Une protection à la hauteur de la confiance? (p. 257). Éditions Yvon Blais.
  • Vilalta, A. E. (2016). Decalogue of good practices for electronic mediation. EMEDEU Project, 3, 190-200.
  • Vilalta, A. E. (2018). La regulación europea de las plataformas de intermediarios digitales en la era de la economía colaborativa. Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario, 1.
  • Vilalta, A.E. “2009 Workshop International Sobre ADR/ODR. Construir Ponts: Marc Jurídic i Principis.” IDP, no. 9, 2009.
  • Vilalta, A. E., & Barral, I. (2016). La directiva ADR de consumo, la puesta en marcha de la plataforma ODR y las obligaciones derivadas del reglamento UE Nº 524/2013”. In ADICAE (Ed.).
  • Wallis, T. (2017). Legislative and regulatory moves in England and Wales impacting on the future of ODR: The claims portal. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 4(2).
  • Weiner, Alan. Regulations and Standards for Online Dispute Resolution: A Primer for Policymakers and Stakeholders 2001. Mediate.com
  • Wing, L. (2022). Mapping the parameters of Online Dispute Resolution. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution 9(1), 3-16.
  • Wing, L., & Draper, C. (2022). Parameters of online dispute resolution: Introducing a new framework for ODR. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 9(2), 112-123.
  • Wing, L., Rainey, D., Obi-Farinde, M., Elisavetsky, A., & Cortes, P. (2022). ODR ethics and standards: The revised NCTDR and ICODR standards. International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 9(2), 124-132.
  • Wing, L., Martinez, J., Katsh, E. and Rule, C. (2021). Designing ethical online dispute resolution systems: The rise of the fourth party. Negotiation Journal 37(1), 49-64.
  • Wing, L. & Rainey, D. (2021). Ethical principles and standards for online dispute resolution. In Rainey, D., Katsh, E., and Abdel Wahab, M., (Eds.), Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice (2nd Ed.). The Hague: Eleven International Publishing.
  • Wing, L. (2021). Ethical principles for online dispute resolution: A GPS device for the field. In Isadora Tofani Goncalves M. Werneck, Dierle Nunes, & Paulo Lucon (Eds.), Civil procedure and technology: Impacts of the technological change worldwide. Bahia, Brazil: Juspodivm.
  • Wing, Leah. “Artificial Intelligence and Online Dispute Resolution Systems Design: Lack of/Access to Justice Magnified.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 4(2), 2017, 16-2.
  • Wing, Leah. “Ethical Principles for Online Dispute Resolution: A GPS Device for the Field.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, 3(1), 2016, 12-29.
  • Wing, L., Martinez, J., Katsh, E. and Rule, C. “Designing Ethical Online Dispute Resolution Systems: The Rise of the Fourth Party.” Negotiation Journal 37(1), Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and Negotiation, Winter 2021, 49-64.
  • Wing, L. and Rainey, D. “Ethical Principles and Standards for Online Dispute Resolution.” in Rainey, D., Katsh, E., and  Wahab, M. (eds.), Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice, Second Edition. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2021, 19-47.