March – July 2017
International Mediation Program Ser Mediador (Being a Mediator) – 1st Cycle
Being a Mediator is an on-line International mediation cycle that gathers under a single title big figures of mediation around the world. During this first cycle, there’ll be five web conferences of two hours each, between the months of March and July, one per month. This unprecedented event will allow Spanish-speaking mediators from around the world to listen and ask questions (through on live translation), to important figures of the field of dispute resolution.
This program is co-organized by ODR Latinoamerica, Mediando Metálogos and Mediadores en Red, and it is recognized by the most important public organisms of Argentina, like the National Department of Mediation and Participative Methods of Conflict Resolution.
Let’s hope this first cycle sets precedent in the field of mediation, and that it provides its attendees new experiences and knowledge!
Conferences schedule
1st conference
Tuesday, March 28th 2017
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speaker: William Ury
Subject: Getting to yes with yourself. The greatest obstacle to successful agreements and satisfying relationships is not the other side. The biggest obstacle is ourselves. Uncover the inner obstacles that are keeping you from getting to Yes. Reach positive agreements with others, develop healthy relationships, make your business more productive, live a more satisfying life.
2nd conference
Friday, April 21st 2017.
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speaker: Fadhila Mammar
Subject: This conference intends to clarify the concept on interculturality. To identify the particularities of intercultural mediation, its scenarios and methodologic contributions. Finally, based on reflection and some examples, arrive to a better comprehension of the main conflicts of our time.
3rd conference
Tuesday, May 16 2017
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speaker: Juan Carlos Vezzulla
Subject: by working on the effect of outsourcing and symbolization with the parties, and encouraging them to speak about themselves, the mediator can obtain a deeper reflection state. This function is most important in Restorative Mediation with teenagers to produce the passage from dependency to emancipation, taking responsibility for their actions, developing their identity and repair the damage caused to themselves and others.
4th conference
Tuesday, June 6 2017
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speaker: Sara Cobb
Subject: Speaking of Violence. New contributions to the Circular – Narrative Mediation Model, explained through different mediation contexts. Evolution of conflict narrations. Explanation of the “Narrative Critique Theory”. Aesthetic as an ethic of the narrative practice. Resources to allow the destabilization and transformation of the conflict’s narratives.
5th conference
Tuesday, July 4 2017
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speakers: Francisco Diez y Marinés Suares
Subject: Reflexive, critical and integrative summary of the contributions made by the 4 main speakers, specially focused around ‘Being Mediator’ in different contexts and in different fields of application and development. The objective is to carry out a complex consolidation of our role.
Would you like to attend? Sign up to the pre-registration (Spanish)
Universities interested in the Cycle, please contact Alberto Elisavetsky: