Council of Europe Committee Urges Wider Use of ODR


Thanks to Graham for the heads up on this: Last week a Report to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
 of the Council of Europe focused on the challenges of rolling out ODR to expand access to justice across Europe.  It reads in part:

“both ODR and ICT, though not by any means panaceas, can help provide greater access to the judicial system by offering solutions to the problems of judicial inefficiency, the high cost of litigation, and geographical barriers. ODR and ICT nevertheless have some drawbacks, and member States should continue to invest in the development of safer, more effective, and more accessible ODR and ICT.”

The Report argues that ODR processes can

“…go beyond an individualistic resolution of isolated disputes. As mentioned above, ODR providers use their experience from earlier settlement agreements in similar cases to give recommendations on possible remedies, by using technology to identify recurring patterns of disputes and categorising complaints […] Seen from this angle, ODR may not only be a means for resolving disputes, but possibly also an opportunity for preventing them, including by way of changing the behaviour of traders.”

The Report recommends a draft Resolution to be adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly recommending that:

  • the 47 member States be encouraged to promote  awareness of ,and further develop, mechanisms for ODR;
  • the extrajudicial enforcement of ODR decisions be promoted;
  • there be recognition of various challenges including inequalities in access to online resources, privacy and enforcement;
  • ODR procedures should contain safeguards compliant with Articles 6 and 13 (right to an effective remedy, particularly against authority) of the ECHR;
  • parties engaging in ODR procedures should, afterwards, retain the right to access a judicial appeals procedure satisfying the requirements of a fair trial pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention;
  • standards be developed for ODR , including ensuring that the process does not unfairly favour repeat players over one-time users, and establish a system of accreditation for ODR providers. (Some potential for duplication here with the system of accreditation already now in place under the EU Directive on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Disputes 2013/11/EU)
  • that technological developments be monitored in order to promote the use of ICT within courts.

This is a very helpful report, and it continues the momentum building behind ODR in Europe.  To learn more, read Graham’s blog post and the full text of the report itself.

Cyberweek 2015 Call for Proposals – extended deadline



It is time once to prepare for the annual conference on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), Cyberweek 2015.  This online conference provides a week of activities and dialogue regarding the world of ODR.  Cyberweek 2015 will take place beginning Monday, November 2nd and running through Friday, November 6thAnd it’s FREE!

We are currently in the process of identifying potential activities for the conference.  Here are some questions to help you consider developing a proposal.

Is there an ODR topic on which you would like to give a live webinar?  How will those interested in ODR benefit from your expertise? Would you like to convene a panel of 2-3 speakers on a topic?

Do you have a burning question relevant to the world of ODR you feel would benefit from a large discussion?  Would you be interested in facilitating a discussion forum based on these questions?  How do you envision initiating this conversation? Is there anyone else you would ask to take part?

Do you have an ODR related product you would like to demonstrate to a large audience of scholars, practitioners, and students?

Do you have suggestions for organizing activities (simulations, competitions, podcasts, or anything else) that would enhance the Cyberweek experience?

Do you have a topic that may be valuable to a newcomer to ODR?  Do you have a topic that may be interesting to a longtime ODR practitioner?

If you would like to propose any type of learning experience for Cyberweek 2015, please contact Richard Todd at or Noam Ebner at by September 7th, 2015

**Once again Cyberweek will have a Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian track.  Unlike past years, activities in these languages will be presented on the main Cyberweek platform,  To propose activities in these languages, please contact Alberto Elisavetsky at

This will be the 18th iteration of Cyberweek.  Since 2010, the Werner Institute has been assisting in the facilitation of Cyberweek by hosting it on the website  Via this platform, thousands of participants have engaged in conversations with students, faculty members, and practitioners interested in the integration of technology into our dispute resolution processes.  Once again, Cyberweek will be packed with engaging discussions forums, webinars, podcasts, demonstrations, simulations, and contests.  We are also planning to integrate many of the latest innovations in social media to create an interesting and informative event.

e-ADR 2015: short review


e-ADR 2015IV Distance World Congress in Spanish about Alternative Dispute Resolution 

The virtual Congress took place between the 12th and the 15th of May 2015. The central subject of the IVth edition was The contribution of Alternative Dispute Resolution on the topic of Undocumented Immigration in Hispanic America.

The following document in Spanish contains a letter from Alberto Elisavetksy and a brief summary of the contents of the event.

We also want to share with you the links to the accademic works, the recordings of the video conferences, the debate forums and the winning works of the contest for high schools of Latin America, “Juventud Constructora de Paz ” (The Youth Builders of Peace). You’ll find the links scrolling down this document.




Carta de Alberto Elisavetsky, Presidente del Comité Ejecutivo e-MARC

 Buenos Aires, 15 de Junio 2015


Siempre es un orgullo y una gran satisfacción para mí durante el IV Congreso Mundial a distancia en español de Métodos Apropiados de Resolución de Conflictos, ponerme en contacto con los diversos asistentes, instituciones y especialistas que brindan su aporte y que elaboran redes de conceptos y actualización. Verdaderamente, son el combustible de este evento mundial.


Gracias a ellos se genera, a lo largo del Congreso, un panorama sobre el estado de los MARC tanto en Hispanoamérica como en el mundo: a través de sus propios protagonistas y creadores, críticos y teóricos, que intervienen desde distintos puntos de vista o ámbitos de interés.


Las ediciones de e-MARC siempre han buscado colaborar y reforzar una Cultura de la Paz, de la conciliación, del acuerdo y del legítimo acceso a la Justicia. Cada año, y cada vez con más fuerza, esperamos acercarnos un poco más a nuestro cometido.


En el presente escrito compartimos con ustedes el detalle y los accesos a los trabajos destacados, a las grabaciones de las video conferencias, y a los foros de debate que han modelado este Congreso online.


Alberto Ellisavetsky
Presidente del Comité Ejecutivo e-MARC






E-MARC 2015 – Reseña y contenidos generales



Entre el 12 y el 15 de mayo de 2015 se llevó a cabo el IV Congreso Mundial a distancia en español de Métodos Apropiados de Resolución de Conflictos e-MARC 2015.


El e-MARC es un evento colectivo que, desde hace cuatro años, en el mes de mayo, reúne a especialistas, académicos y operadores de conflictos de América y Europa en un «espacio cibernético» para debatir y exponer, ideas, opiniones y posturas sobre temas propuestos por el Comité Organizador, integrado por prestigiosos profesionales especialistas en Métodos Apropiados de Resolución de Conflictos, y presidido por el Dr. Alberto Elisavetsky.


El Congreso tiene como objetivo el acercamiento entre personas con intereses y motivaciones afines al mundo de los Métodos Aplicados a la Resolución de Conflictos, al intercambio de información, conocimientos y puntos de vista sobre temas de interés común. El tema central, -de gran actualidad-, que atravesó el evento de 2015 fue “LA INMIGRACIÓN INDOCUMENTADA- Contribución de los MARC al abordaje de los conflictos derivados de la Inmigración Indocumentada en Hispanoamérica”.


En esta edición se incluyeron videoconferencias, foros de debates, y trabajos destacados. La novedad, la constituyó una propuesta inédita destinada a alumnos de instituciones de Educación Secundaria, de toda Latinoamérica: el Concurso “Juventud Constructora de Paz”. Este concurso buscó generar un reconocimiento a aquellos trabajos de alumnos que mejor hubiesen recogido la valoración y el significado de los medios pacíficos de resolución de conflictos en el ámbito escolar. Por ello, se invitó a los jóvenes a proponer una secuencia de acciones innovadoras, creativas y motivadoras para fomentar la resolución de conflictos mediante el uso de los MARC en el ámbito educativo.


Las VIDEOCONFERENCIAS incluyeron los siguientes temas:


  • “La mediación como herramienta para la gestión de la incertidumbre generada por las migraciones: presentación de líneas guías operativas”  a cargo de Michele Romanelli – ITALIA
  • “Lugares de destino de los migrantes: geografías  de brazos abiertos y  de puertas cerradas generadoras de conflictos” a cargo de María Victoria Marún – ARGENTINA
  • “La resolución electrónica de disputas en el siglo XXI” a cargo de Alberto Elisavetsky – ARGENTINA
  • “La mediación y la prevención en la escuela” a cargo de Elena Baixauli Gallego -ESPAÑA
  • “La identidad dialógica de los procesos migratorios” a cargo de Débora Fortuna – ARGENTINA
  • “Inmigrantes en las delicias, una experiencia de pacificación social” a cargo de María Isabel Becerra – ARGENTINA
  • “Conciliación extrajudicial en la contratación pública” a cargo de Rafael Medina Rospigliosi -PERÚ
  • Presentación de los trabajos ganadores del concurso Juventud Constructora de Paz 2015 a cargo de María Eugenia Solé- ARGENTINA



Acceso a las grabaciones:



Los TRABAJOS DESTACADOS versaron sobre:


  • “Conflictos y Empoderamiento pacífico en la Inmigración indocumentada”

Autor: Eduardo Andrés Sandoval Forero- Mexico

  • “Habilidades y estrategias de la mediación en un mundo global”
    Autoras: Rosa Perez Martell & Aura Esther Vilalta- España
  • “Inmigrantes en las delicias, una experiencia de pacificación social”
    Autora: María Isabel Becerra- Argentina
  • “Interés superior del niño en España ante la presencia de la extranjería”
    Autora: Catalina Magallanes- Argentina
  • “Construcciones sociales y rumores en torno a los inmigrantes. Propuesta de abordaje”
    Autora: María Eugenia Biain- Argentina
  • “El derecho aplicable a los contratos internacionales: Su ámbito jurisdiccional ante conflictos iusprivatistas utilizando el comercio electrónico”
    Autor: José Heriberto García Peña- Mexico
  • “Justicia alternativa en México: la mediación como fórmula alternativa de solución a través de la vía y uso de los O.D.R.”
    Autor: José Heriberto García Peña- Mexico
  • “De la Violencia al Diálogo, del Diálogo al Conflicto.
    Otro modo de Alcanzar la Paz.”
    Autora: Liliana María Carbajal- Argentina
  • “La importancia del contexto social en la mediación comunitaria”
    Autora: María Eugenia Solé- Argentina
  • “Lugares de destino de los migrantes: geografías de brazos abiertos y de puertas cerradas generadoras de conflictos familiares”
    Autora: María Victoria Marún- Argentina


Acceso a los Trabajos Destacados:



Los FOROS DE DEBATE cautivaron a los participantes con las siguientes temáticas:


  • “¿Podemos decir que la inmigración en el mundo actual  se traduce en una muestra de la deshumanización del hombre como causa eficiente de la generación de conflictos?” Foro interactivo con lectura de noticias periodísticas liderado por Gabriela García
  • “…Y la abuela parió indocumentados… (miradas de sectores sociales hacia los inmigrantes y rol del mediador” liderado por MARÍA ISABEL BECERRA
  • “Mediar con el malo de la película” – Foro interactivo con observación de videos liderado por Francisco Javier Ales Sioli
  • “¿Cuál es la importancia del contexto social en la Mediación comunitaria?” liderado por María Eugenia Solé
  • “¿Cómo es el perfil contrario al mediador?…Porque es así y desde allí como podemos ayudarlo.” liderado por Alicia De Rivas
  • “Gestión de Conflictos en empresas familiares ¿Cuál sería el momento adecuado para elaborar el protocolo en las empresas familiares?” liderado por Carlos Colussi
  • “E-MARC vs. Judicatura: Si el fomento de la prosperidad social va de la mano de la procuración de justicia ¿podrán llegar a convertirse los Medios de Solución de Conflictos En Línea en una Verdadera Alternativa de Justicia para todos/as?” liderado por José Heriberto García Peña


Acceso a los Foros:



Los trabajos ganadores EN EL CONCURSO JUVENTUD CONSTRUCTORA DE PAZ fueron los siguientes:


  • Escuela Normal Superior dependiente de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca- Argentina) Título del trabajo: Tolerancia
  • Escuela 9-001 “Gral. José de San Martín” (Gral San Martín – Mendoza- Argentina). Título del trabajo: Alguien cuando lo necesitas
  • Escuela N° 4-161 “José Miguel Graneros” (Gustavo André – Lavalle – Mendoza- Argentina). Título del trabajo: Sobre la violencia en la escuela
  • Instituto Cristo Rey (Río Cuarto – Córdoba-Argentina). Título del trabajo: Cambia tus palabras


Ver los trabajos del concurso:






President of the e-ADR Executive Comitee


Alberto Elisavetsky

Director of ODR Latinoamérica, Embassy of Peace Mil Milenios de Paz, Peace Foundation UNESCO, Director of the Observatory of Conflict in the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina, Director of the Postgraduate course in Resolution of Conflicts and New Technologies in the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina.

General Coordinators of the Event

María Victoria Marún

-Lawyer, Mediator and Senior Professor in Legal Cience. Specialist in University Teaching, Director of the Center of Alternative Conflict Resolution of the Lawyers and Attorneys College of the 3rd Judicial Circle of Mendoza, Argentina, University Proffesor in the Pontifical Catholic University Santa María de los Buenos Aires, Postgraduate in Private Law, Instructor in School Legistalion and Conflict Resolution in Educational Institutions in DGE Mendoza and the National Ministry of Education of Argentina.

María Eugenia Solé

-Lawyer, Mediator (Holborn College Diploma in Law of Tort and Law of Contract), Graduate in Conflict Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Prejudicial Mediator, Currently assisting the Master of the VIII Promotion of the Latin American and European Master in Mediation and Negotiation of the IUKD, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Teacher, Applicant to a Postdegree in Education and TIC of the Nacional Ministry of Education of Argentina.



Final Report for NSF Project on ODR Now Available

The team at UMass-Ahmerst who have worked on the NSF-funded Social Deliberative Skills project have now released their final report.  They also have a summary and helpful infographic here:

The team explains the wider relevance of their project this way:

“Our unobtrusive scaffolding methods and facilitator dashboard concepts will transfer to use in collaborative work, civic engagement, and online dispute resolution.  Discussion forums and commenting features are widely used in educational contexts and social media, but little exists to support higher quality deliberation in these environments. Our methods should also be applicable to “flipped” classrooms and MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) environments, which are in need of better tools for interaction, dialogue, and management. We also believe that social deliberative skills practiced online will transfer to other contexts such as face-to-face communication.”

Learn more at

ODR2015 International Forum will be in New York City June 3-5, 2015

Registration is now open for ODR2015, to be held in New York June 3-5, 2015. Hosted by Pace Law School and the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution and held at the Pace University campus in Manhattan. Keynote speakers include Richard Susskind, author of Tomorrow’s Lawyers, Internet pioneer and entrepreneur Esther Dyson, Modria Founder Colin Rule and Doc Searls, co-author of the Cluetrain Manifesto, as well as several internationally recognized ADR/ODR experts. Registration is limited and program information is accessible at Please register soon. We hope that you will be able to attend.


e-ADR 2015 | Spanish Online Congress | ADR & ODR on the subject of Undocumented Immigration


e-ADR 2015 is the  IVth Distance World Congress in Spanish about Alternative Dispute Resolution & Online Dispute Resolution

Online event | May 12th – 15th 2015

 Thanks to last year’s success, e-ADR is coming back this year with more days of virtual activity!

The Virtual Congress will be synchronous and asynchronous during the 24 hrs, between the 12th and the 15th of May 2015.

The central subject of this edition will be The contribution of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Online Dispute Resolution on the topic of Undocumented Immigration in Hispanic America.

With discussion forums, videoconferences and outstanding accademic works, e-ADR 2015 brings to you the latest news, advances and methods on ADR and ODR, as well as an open space to share and produce knowledge.

For more information please visit:

OTTER: Online Dispute Resolution for Kids – Now on KICKSTARTER

From the Kickstarter website:

“Otter is an award-winning online dispute resolution (ODR) solution that includes an “automated mediator” and other dispute resolution tools to help kids resolve conflicts.

Conflicts are a huge problem for everyone, but kids are especially susceptible to unresolved conflicts because they usually don’t have the skills, time, or means to resolve their conflicts.

Conflicts can start out as something as simple as not saying “sorry” for accidentally bumping into someone, but even a small conflict, if ignored, can turn into a big problem like fighting or bullying.

Otter gives kids dispute resolution training and then gives them the means to resolve their conflicts.  It also uses technology to make conflict resolution efficient, so that it doesn’t waste time that should be spent on academic work.

While Otter was initially developed for elementary schools, we discovered that it can be used by any age group, even adults!

Otter is great for:

  • District and individual schools looking for a positive way for students to handle conflicts
  • Districts and individual schools looking for a uniform way to teach about bullying and offer training around dealing with problems in an appropriate way
  • Families (especially families with children) looking for a way to ensure that each member of the family feels heard
  • Families looking for a way to make sure that they are dealing with conflict instead of having the same arguments over and over
  • Families looking for a way to teach their children appropriate conflict resolution skills


Numerous studies have shown the emotional and financial benefits of resolving conflicts. Here are a few ways Otter can help:

  • Increase attendance- When students don’t feel happy at school, they are less likely to attend. Public schools depend on attendance for funding, and teachers need kids to be in class to learn.
  • Improve school culture- When conflicts are resolved, kids are happier. And when students know there is an efficient conflict resolution system in place, they feel supported and safe.
  • Save time- When teachers need to deal with small conflicts, they have less time to teach. By empowering students to resolve many of their smaller conflicts, teachers can spend time the way they planned.

Eventually, Otter will be able to be customized to be used as an ODR solution for conflicts at every level of education and in the work place.”

This project won the first Tech for Justice Hackathon held as part of  This is amazingly cool — let’s work together to get it funded!

Learn more: