Ana Maria Maia Gonçalves is a mediation trainer and practitioner and a online dispute resolution professional. She has over 35 years of experience as a business leader in global organizations, as a mediation trainer, mediator and executive coach. She is the founder and president of the Institute for Certification and Training of Portuguese-speaking Mediators (ICFML) icfml.org, a leading organization in mediation in Brazil and Portugal. With a rich experience in learning, practicing and teaching mediation worldwide, Ana is prepared to mediate in a unique way. She has experience in cross-border disputes in Europe, Australia and the United States. She works with Portuguese universities in the fields of ADR, Mediation, Negotiation and ODR. Being very active across borders and cultures, she has focused her practice in recent years on the impact of online technology on the skills of ADR facilitators and mediators. Since 2015, she has been the co-chair of the International Mediation Institute ODR taskforce. She has co-authored several papers in the International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution and co-launched in 2019 the first ODR Practitioner Certification Program (https://odrfoundationstraining.com), available both in Portuguese and English. She is regularly invited as a guest speaker on panels about mediator standards and online mediation in international conferences such as the IBA 2019 Annual Conference in Seoul and the MANE Forum in 2019 in Singapore. As an executive coach and facilitator, Ana works for Center for Creative Leadership and Lee Hecht Harrison and is part of the team of Neuroawareness Institute. Ana speaks Portuguese, French and English fluently. Ana is a graduate from UAL Lisbon (2008). She has two children and lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.