Alberto Elisavetsky in the conference on ADR in Sinaloa, Mexico

The Supreme Court of Justice of the State of Sinaloa, Mexico, and the Western University, organized a serie of conferences called “Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution”. I had the honor to be invited as a speaker on the subject of distance mediation and access to justice to talk, among other things, about ODR Latinoamerica and the development of the MEL project in the City of Buenos Aires.

Registrations are currently open!


sinaola mexico

Tijuana and Paris, two ODR destinations during 2017

Dear friends of the ODR,

2017 has open doors for the broadening of our activity.

First of all, I’ll gladly participate as speaker in  ODR2017 in Paris, June 12-13, 2017 .

On the other hand, I had the honor to give a five-hour workshop on the use of new technologies for conflict resolution at the 1st National Congress of Alternative Methods for Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice (CEMAJUR in Spanish). It  took place in Tijuana, Mexico, from March 15 to 18.

I wanted to share with you the webpages of these two events




Let’s keep the good work. I’m looking forward to see many of you in Paris!


Invitation as Speaker for the “V FONAMEC RIO DE JANEIRO” – Superior Court of Law – MAY 2017

Dear friends,

with great satisfaction I share with you the invitation I received to participate as a speaker on May 11, in the opening conference of the V FONAMEC.

This event will take place in the Superior Court of Law of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where I’ll speak about New Technologies applied to Conflict Resolution. I hope to see many of my brazilian friends there!!!

This is the invitation (in portuguese)

TJRJ – de 10 a 12 de maio de 2017

Rio de Janeiro, 20 de março de 2017
Senhor Professor

Apraz-nos convidar Vossa Excelência para participar deste V FONAMEC, proferindo, na Abertura do Encontro, palestra sobre ODRs – Novas Tecnologias Aplicadas na Resolução de Conflitos, no dia 11 de maio- quinta-feira, de 11:20 ás 12:30.
Honrando-nos Vossa Excelência com a aceitação deste convite.
Apensamos informações completas sobre a finalidade do FORUM e a descrição das atividades do V Encontro a ser realizado no Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro .

Na oportunidade, renovamos a Vossa Excelência protestos de elevado apreço e consideração.

Desembargador Cesar Felipe Cury
Presidente do FONAMEC
Excelentíssimo Senhor

Doutor Alberto Elisavetsky

Propósitos FONAMEC

O Fórum Nacional da Mediação e Conciliação – FONAMEC, conforme o art. 2º de seu estatuto, tem como finalidade o implemento da mediação e conciliação nos Estados e Distrito Federal buscando fomentar a cultura da paz, com a apresentação e discussão de propostas para (1) criação e alteração de leis, regulamentos e procedimentos; (2) desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, portais e canais de comunicação; (3) congregação de magistrados e servidores que atuem com mediação e conciliação aperfeiçoando e uniformizando os métodos consensuais de resolução de conflitos por meio de intercâmbio de experiências; e (4) melhorar a articulação e integração com o Conselho Nacional de Justiça, órgãos de Governo e demais entidades de apoio e representação que atuem diretamente no segmento.

Criado em 12 de dezembro de 2014, o Fórum irá para o seu 5º encontro, que será realizado nos dias 10 a 12 de maio, no Rio de Janeiro, trazendo palestras e painéis de grande interesse, e aprovando enunciados orientativos das atividades dos NUPEMECs, CEJUSCs, conciliadores e mediadores. Na oportunidade, será lançada a Revista do FONAMEC, com artigos de representantes de todos os 27 Tribunais e de juristas especializados no estudo dos métodos autocompositivos.



March – July 2017 | International Mediation Program “Ser Mediador” (Being a Mediator) – 1st Cycle

March – July 2017
International Mediation Program Ser Mediador (Being a Mediator) – 1st Cycle

Being a Mediator is an on-line International mediation cycle that gathers under a single title big figures of mediation around the world. During this first cycle, there’ll be five web conferences of two hours each, between the months of March and July, one per month. This unprecedented event will allow Spanish-speaking mediators from around the world to listen and ask questions (through on live translation), to important figures of the field of dispute resolution.

This program is co-organized by ODR Latinoamerica, Mediando Metálogos and Mediadores en Red, and it is recognized by the most important public organisms of Argentina, like the National Department of Mediation and Participative Methods of Conflict Resolution.

Let’s hope this first cycle sets precedent in the field of mediation, and that it provides its attendees new experiences and knowledge!



Conferences schedule


1st conference

Tuesday, March 28th 2017
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speaker: William Ury
Subject: Getting to yes with yourself.  The greatest obstacle to successful agreements and satisfying relationships is not the other side. The biggest obstacle is ourselves. Uncover the inner obstacles that are keeping you from getting to Yes. Reach positive agreements with others, develop healthy relationships, make your business more productive, live a more satisfying life.


2nd conference

Friday, April 21st 2017.
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speaker: Fadhila Mammar
Subject: This conference intends to clarify the concept on interculturality. To identify the particularities of intercultural mediation, its scenarios and methodologic contributions. Finally, based on reflection and some examples, arrive to a better comprehension of the main conflicts of our time.


3rd conference

Tuesday, May 16 2017
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speaker: Juan Carlos Vezzulla
Subject: by working on the effect of outsourcing and symbolization with the parties, and encouraging them to speak about themselves, the mediator can obtain a deeper reflection state. This function is most important in Restorative Mediation with teenagers to produce the passage from dependency to emancipation, taking responsibility for their actions, developing their identity and repair the damage caused to themselves and others.


4th conference

Tuesday, June 6 2017
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speaker: Sara Cobb
Subject: Speaking of Violence. New contributions to the Circular – Narrative Mediation Model, explained through different mediation contexts. Evolution of conflict narrations. Explanation of the “Narrative Critique Theory”. Aesthetic as an ethic of the narrative practice. Resources to allow the destabilization and transformation of the conflict’s narratives.


5th conference

Tuesday, July 4 2017
Time: 14 hs. ARG
Speakers: Francisco Diez y Marinés Suares
Subject: Reflexive, critical and integrative summary of the contributions made by the 4 main speakers, specially focused around ‘Being Mediator’ in different contexts and in different fields of application and development. The objective is to carry out a complex consolidation of our role.


Would you like to attend? Sign up to the pre-registration (Spanish)

Universities interested in the Cycle, please contact Alberto Elisavetsky: 



International Days on Mediation and Access to Justice – A step towards Procedural Reforms

 June 23 & 24, 2016

Alberto Elisavetsky will speak about ODR in the International Days on Mediation and Access to Justice – A step towards Procedural Reforms,  organized by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Provincial Government of Córdoba, Argentina.

The event will take place at the Provincial University of Córdoba in Argentina. It’ll gather specialists and academics from the western world to expose and debate different approaches reagarding ADR/ODR Methods and Procedural Reforms.


eng-program-idmaj-cordoba_Página_1 Program_img

Alberto Elisavetsky and ODR Latinoamerica will receive “The Peace Crane”



Mil Milenios de Paz – UNESCO, Fundación Paz, Ecología y Arte and the artist Facundo Cousillas have specially invited Alberto Elisavetsky, Peace Ambassador, and ODR Latinoamerica, Peace Embassy, to receive “The Peace Crane” on April 15th, 2016.

The events: Handover Ceremony of “The Peace Crane”, Ceremony of Commitment, and Handover of the Peace Flag, will take place at the Manuel Belgrano conference hall, located in the Honorable Senate of the Argentine Republic, between the 10 and 13 hrs.

Among the homages to be performed that day, Alberto Elisavetsky and ODR Latinoamerica will receive “The Peace Crane” to let it nest in Ciberspace.

The event is open to general public under previous inscription. To participate, send your name, last name and ID Card number to





Distance mediation as a bridge for social inclusion


By Alberto Elisavetsky

I’ve been researching on the characteristics, possibilities and limitations of the so called “online dispute resolution methods” ODR since 2006.

The original analysis of their viability in the contemporary society began with a group of academics in 1996 in USA. Their investigations focused on the development of Online Dispute Resolution ODR, and were directed by Professor Ethan Katsh, founder of the Center for Information Technology and Dispute Resolution located at the University of Massachusetts Amherst[1].

In September 2009 I was invited to join that prestigious and progressive group of studies at the 9th ODR World Forum hosted at Haifa University[2]. From that moment on, I was designated to organize the 10th ODR World Forum at Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2010; so far, the only academic event on the subject that took place in Latin America at a global scale[3].

I write this introit only to legitimate with previous experience, investigation, achievements and failures, the opinions that I’ll share from here on with you, kind reader. With this said, one of the key issues that I found in this field of work is: what social benefit can obtain the people involved in an electronic mediation?

Let’s begin by its advantages:

  • Convenience
  • Time, place
  • Fast, economic


  • Requires a certain degree of informatics knowledge
  • Equipment, Anti-virus, training
  • Communications are not face to face
  • Its practice needs to adapt to legislation in each country, nation or state

Regarding ODR application in professional practice and the effective use of its tools, I’ve encountered along these ten years profound concern and mistrust. Also, an enormous resistance to the simple evaluation of their viability, as well as for to the incorporation of these methods in the active practice of mediation. I could resume this attitude in the following statement of Antonio Machado: “All that is ignored, is despised”[4].

Online dispute resolution has come to stay and I want to remark that professional platforms available at the market (I’m not talking about videoconferences by SKYPE or other free of charge amateur programs), are nowadays very low cost and they mean a quick and massive implementation. These services are also the only ones that comply with essential information security and protection of the synchronous[5] virtual reunions for online mediations.

At this point, we need to make a stop at an important problem that constitutes a barrier to ODR mass use. I’m not referring to people that have easy access to the latest technologies of information and communication and that could quickly, overcoming intellectual or emotional resistance, be trained in the use of ODR for their professional practice. My interest centers in those people that for social, economic or technology illiteracy reasons, can’t be receptors of these services.

Sadly, it’s not news that those who have less are also the ones that more often find obstacles in the access to justice. Discrimination, lack of support, stability, resources and advice are among the causes; and it’s for these particular cases, above all, that governments should be providers and guarantors of fairness and equity, opting for efficient and inclusive methods.

For example: state implementation of ODR technology could allow a humble woman to approach a mediation office in her neighborhood. This place would have the necessary equipment to perform online mediations. Let’s avoid the thought that a “super computer” is needed. It’s more than enough with simple and accessible instruments, as long as they have the suitable platforms and professionals to handle them. In this public office, the woman would be accompanied by a co-mediator to begin an interactive meeting with, for example, her ex-husband that lives in another state or country. He would be also in the company of an official co-mediator and the meeting would allow resolving a conflict on visit schedule or child support.

We began this model in the province of Salta, Argentina in year 2012 with the support of the former Minister of Justice Dr. María Inés Diez and the Secretary of Participatory Methods Dr. César Rodríguez Galíndez. The plan was protected by the Ministerial Resolution 118/12. I had the satisfaction to get a signed agreement for my social network to perform online and face-to-face training. It was about developing technological skills in virtual mediation to over 120 mediators of the register of said province, among them about 70 community workers that were able to bring the model to their locations with such success that it was later on shared with other provinces of Argentina.

After that the Argentinian province of Córdoba and its direction of Participatory Methods (Di.M.A.R.C.), under the management of Dr. Débora Fortuna, joined the trajectory of training in ODR by ODR Latinoamerica. The hours of the courses were homologated by Resolutions n° 083/2015 and 110/2015 for the mediators of their register. In the last quarter of 2015 the Direction of Mediation of the Buenos Aires Province in Argentina, under the management of Dr. Ricardo Bracamonte, added for the first time training in ODR with our online courses. This capacitation was included in the offer of continuous training for the professionals of their register; Dispositions n° 535/2015 and 652/2015.

Broadening the margins of inclusion in the possibility to resolve conflicts on-line for the most humble, whether it is with synchronous or asynchronous methods[6], doesn’t only provide with a tool to access justice, but it also develops the reach of pacific, non-judicial practices for solving disagreements. Placed as a public policy and led by the governments, parties without economic resources or with physical impediments could benefit through the public mediation center of their commune. This service would be available for the cases that permit it or require it, and the parties wouldn’t have to leave their neighborhoods or cities by expensive and unaffordable transportation.

I’ve trained the online mediators of the Escuela del Poder Judicial de Guanajuato, México, under the management of Mr. Tobías García Tovar. That country is working already, among other cases, with cross-border interactive mediation in the State of Tamaulipas. Their mediations are intended for people with difficulties on migratory documentation, for example. They take place in the Center of Alternative Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution, under the management of Dr. Roberto Montoya Gonzáles. The agreements have no legal status and they can’t be executed; but if the parties agree to communicate in an interactive meeting to solve a disagreement, it’s our ethical obligation as professionals, as well as the government’s, to make this path possible. I want to remark that a lot of these agreements are fulfilled.

Our world has over 7.500.000.000 habitants, of which an 85% have access to cellphones. This data confirms that a wide spectrum of the humanity can benefit with the use of ODR, most of all the excluded and the needed. That’s what using new technologies of communication and information for the public good it’s all about.

*ALBERTO ELISAVETSKY Director of ODR Latinoamerica – Director of the Observatory of Social Conflict in the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina – Fellow of the Center of New Technologies applied to the Resolution of Disputes in EE.UU (NCTDR) – Director of Simediar, project of simulated distance mediations – Regional Partner in Latin America for Youstice


[1] For further information:

[2] For further information

[3] See the presentation used at the ODR World Forum 2010:

[4] Antonio Machado, 1875-1939. Spanish poet and prose writer, one of the leading figures of the literary movement known as the Generation of ’98.

[5] The terms synchronous and asynchronous refer to different possibilities of virtual communications, which can be in real time or not. A videoconference is a synchronous way, for it develops in real time, while and e-mail exchange is asynchronous.

[6] See footnote 5



e-ADR 2015: short review


e-ADR 2015IV Distance World Congress in Spanish about Alternative Dispute Resolution 

The virtual Congress took place between the 12th and the 15th of May 2015. The central subject of the IVth edition was The contribution of Alternative Dispute Resolution on the topic of Undocumented Immigration in Hispanic America.

The following document in Spanish contains a letter from Alberto Elisavetksy and a brief summary of the contents of the event.

We also want to share with you the links to the accademic works, the recordings of the video conferences, the debate forums and the winning works of the contest for high schools of Latin America, “Juventud Constructora de Paz ” (The Youth Builders of Peace). You’ll find the links scrolling down this document.




Carta de Alberto Elisavetsky, Presidente del Comité Ejecutivo e-MARC

 Buenos Aires, 15 de Junio 2015


Siempre es un orgullo y una gran satisfacción para mí durante el IV Congreso Mundial a distancia en español de Métodos Apropiados de Resolución de Conflictos, ponerme en contacto con los diversos asistentes, instituciones y especialistas que brindan su aporte y que elaboran redes de conceptos y actualización. Verdaderamente, son el combustible de este evento mundial.


Gracias a ellos se genera, a lo largo del Congreso, un panorama sobre el estado de los MARC tanto en Hispanoamérica como en el mundo: a través de sus propios protagonistas y creadores, críticos y teóricos, que intervienen desde distintos puntos de vista o ámbitos de interés.


Las ediciones de e-MARC siempre han buscado colaborar y reforzar una Cultura de la Paz, de la conciliación, del acuerdo y del legítimo acceso a la Justicia. Cada año, y cada vez con más fuerza, esperamos acercarnos un poco más a nuestro cometido.


En el presente escrito compartimos con ustedes el detalle y los accesos a los trabajos destacados, a las grabaciones de las video conferencias, y a los foros de debate que han modelado este Congreso online.


Alberto Ellisavetsky
Presidente del Comité Ejecutivo e-MARC






E-MARC 2015 – Reseña y contenidos generales



Entre el 12 y el 15 de mayo de 2015 se llevó a cabo el IV Congreso Mundial a distancia en español de Métodos Apropiados de Resolución de Conflictos e-MARC 2015.


El e-MARC es un evento colectivo que, desde hace cuatro años, en el mes de mayo, reúne a especialistas, académicos y operadores de conflictos de América y Europa en un «espacio cibernético» para debatir y exponer, ideas, opiniones y posturas sobre temas propuestos por el Comité Organizador, integrado por prestigiosos profesionales especialistas en Métodos Apropiados de Resolución de Conflictos, y presidido por el Dr. Alberto Elisavetsky.


El Congreso tiene como objetivo el acercamiento entre personas con intereses y motivaciones afines al mundo de los Métodos Aplicados a la Resolución de Conflictos, al intercambio de información, conocimientos y puntos de vista sobre temas de interés común. El tema central, -de gran actualidad-, que atravesó el evento de 2015 fue “LA INMIGRACIÓN INDOCUMENTADA- Contribución de los MARC al abordaje de los conflictos derivados de la Inmigración Indocumentada en Hispanoamérica”.


En esta edición se incluyeron videoconferencias, foros de debates, y trabajos destacados. La novedad, la constituyó una propuesta inédita destinada a alumnos de instituciones de Educación Secundaria, de toda Latinoamérica: el Concurso “Juventud Constructora de Paz”. Este concurso buscó generar un reconocimiento a aquellos trabajos de alumnos que mejor hubiesen recogido la valoración y el significado de los medios pacíficos de resolución de conflictos en el ámbito escolar. Por ello, se invitó a los jóvenes a proponer una secuencia de acciones innovadoras, creativas y motivadoras para fomentar la resolución de conflictos mediante el uso de los MARC en el ámbito educativo.


Las VIDEOCONFERENCIAS incluyeron los siguientes temas:


  • “La mediación como herramienta para la gestión de la incertidumbre generada por las migraciones: presentación de líneas guías operativas”  a cargo de Michele Romanelli – ITALIA
  • “Lugares de destino de los migrantes: geografías  de brazos abiertos y  de puertas cerradas generadoras de conflictos” a cargo de María Victoria Marún – ARGENTINA
  • “La resolución electrónica de disputas en el siglo XXI” a cargo de Alberto Elisavetsky – ARGENTINA
  • “La mediación y la prevención en la escuela” a cargo de Elena Baixauli Gallego -ESPAÑA
  • “La identidad dialógica de los procesos migratorios” a cargo de Débora Fortuna – ARGENTINA
  • “Inmigrantes en las delicias, una experiencia de pacificación social” a cargo de María Isabel Becerra – ARGENTINA
  • “Conciliación extrajudicial en la contratación pública” a cargo de Rafael Medina Rospigliosi -PERÚ
  • Presentación de los trabajos ganadores del concurso Juventud Constructora de Paz 2015 a cargo de María Eugenia Solé- ARGENTINA



Acceso a las grabaciones:



Los TRABAJOS DESTACADOS versaron sobre:


  • “Conflictos y Empoderamiento pacífico en la Inmigración indocumentada”

Autor: Eduardo Andrés Sandoval Forero- Mexico

  • “Habilidades y estrategias de la mediación en un mundo global”
    Autoras: Rosa Perez Martell & Aura Esther Vilalta- España
  • “Inmigrantes en las delicias, una experiencia de pacificación social”
    Autora: María Isabel Becerra- Argentina
  • “Interés superior del niño en España ante la presencia de la extranjería”
    Autora: Catalina Magallanes- Argentina
  • “Construcciones sociales y rumores en torno a los inmigrantes. Propuesta de abordaje”
    Autora: María Eugenia Biain- Argentina
  • “El derecho aplicable a los contratos internacionales: Su ámbito jurisdiccional ante conflictos iusprivatistas utilizando el comercio electrónico”
    Autor: José Heriberto García Peña- Mexico
  • “Justicia alternativa en México: la mediación como fórmula alternativa de solución a través de la vía y uso de los O.D.R.”
    Autor: José Heriberto García Peña- Mexico
  • “De la Violencia al Diálogo, del Diálogo al Conflicto.
    Otro modo de Alcanzar la Paz.”
    Autora: Liliana María Carbajal- Argentina
  • “La importancia del contexto social en la mediación comunitaria”
    Autora: María Eugenia Solé- Argentina
  • “Lugares de destino de los migrantes: geografías de brazos abiertos y de puertas cerradas generadoras de conflictos familiares”
    Autora: María Victoria Marún- Argentina


Acceso a los Trabajos Destacados:



Los FOROS DE DEBATE cautivaron a los participantes con las siguientes temáticas:


  • “¿Podemos decir que la inmigración en el mundo actual  se traduce en una muestra de la deshumanización del hombre como causa eficiente de la generación de conflictos?” Foro interactivo con lectura de noticias periodísticas liderado por Gabriela García
  • “…Y la abuela parió indocumentados… (miradas de sectores sociales hacia los inmigrantes y rol del mediador” liderado por MARÍA ISABEL BECERRA
  • “Mediar con el malo de la película” – Foro interactivo con observación de videos liderado por Francisco Javier Ales Sioli
  • “¿Cuál es la importancia del contexto social en la Mediación comunitaria?” liderado por María Eugenia Solé
  • “¿Cómo es el perfil contrario al mediador?…Porque es así y desde allí como podemos ayudarlo.” liderado por Alicia De Rivas
  • “Gestión de Conflictos en empresas familiares ¿Cuál sería el momento adecuado para elaborar el protocolo en las empresas familiares?” liderado por Carlos Colussi
  • “E-MARC vs. Judicatura: Si el fomento de la prosperidad social va de la mano de la procuración de justicia ¿podrán llegar a convertirse los Medios de Solución de Conflictos En Línea en una Verdadera Alternativa de Justicia para todos/as?” liderado por José Heriberto García Peña


Acceso a los Foros:



Los trabajos ganadores EN EL CONCURSO JUVENTUD CONSTRUCTORA DE PAZ fueron los siguientes:


  • Escuela Normal Superior dependiente de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca- Argentina) Título del trabajo: Tolerancia
  • Escuela 9-001 “Gral. José de San Martín” (Gral San Martín – Mendoza- Argentina). Título del trabajo: Alguien cuando lo necesitas
  • Escuela N° 4-161 “José Miguel Graneros” (Gustavo André – Lavalle – Mendoza- Argentina). Título del trabajo: Sobre la violencia en la escuela
  • Instituto Cristo Rey (Río Cuarto – Córdoba-Argentina). Título del trabajo: Cambia tus palabras


Ver los trabajos del concurso:






President of the e-ADR Executive Comitee


Alberto Elisavetsky

Director of ODR Latinoamérica, Embassy of Peace Mil Milenios de Paz, Peace Foundation UNESCO, Director of the Observatory of Conflict in the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina, Director of the Postgraduate course in Resolution of Conflicts and New Technologies in the National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina.

General Coordinators of the Event

María Victoria Marún

-Lawyer, Mediator and Senior Professor in Legal Cience. Specialist in University Teaching, Director of the Center of Alternative Conflict Resolution of the Lawyers and Attorneys College of the 3rd Judicial Circle of Mendoza, Argentina, University Proffesor in the Pontifical Catholic University Santa María de los Buenos Aires, Postgraduate in Private Law, Instructor in School Legistalion and Conflict Resolution in Educational Institutions in DGE Mendoza and the National Ministry of Education of Argentina.

María Eugenia Solé

-Lawyer, Mediator (Holborn College Diploma in Law of Tort and Law of Contract), Graduate in Conflict Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Prejudicial Mediator, Currently assisting the Master of the VIII Promotion of the Latin American and European Master in Mediation and Negotiation of the IUKD, Institut Universitaire Kurt Bösch, Teacher, Applicant to a Postdegree in Education and TIC of the Nacional Ministry of Education of Argentina.



e-ADR 2015 | Spanish Online Congress | ADR & ODR on the subject of Undocumented Immigration


e-ADR 2015 is the  IVth Distance World Congress in Spanish about Alternative Dispute Resolution & Online Dispute Resolution

Online event | May 12th – 15th 2015

 Thanks to last year’s success, e-ADR is coming back this year with more days of virtual activity!

The Virtual Congress will be synchronous and asynchronous during the 24 hrs, between the 12th and the 15th of May 2015.

The central subject of this edition will be The contribution of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Online Dispute Resolution on the topic of Undocumented Immigration in Hispanic America.

With discussion forums, videoconferences and outstanding accademic works, e-ADR 2015 brings to you the latest news, advances and methods on ADR and ODR, as well as an open space to share and produce knowledge.

For more information please visit: