Free online conference | ODR LATINOAMERICA 2020
Federico Ast :When the blockchain meets the ODR: Kleros and the birth of decentralized justice
March 19 | 2:00 pm GMT-3 Time
About Federico Ast:
Graduated in economics and philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires. He has a PhD in Business Management from IAE Business School. He attended the Global Solutions Program of Singularity University in 2016. He was a speaker at TEDx. He has taught at universities such as Stanford, Berkeley and Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas. He teaches Blockchain Disruption, the first blockchain course in Spanish for the online education platform Coursera. He is a specialist in civic innovation and the application of technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence for the transformation of legal systems and governments. He is the founder of Kleros, a project that applies blockchain and crowdsourcing in dispute resolution.