Japanese Government Introducing ODR in Civil Courts

Nikkei Newspaper July 7, 2019


Article summary:

“The government will set up a system to resolve civil disputes such as divorces and traffic accidents on the Internet. Consider introducing next-generation legal services that utilize artificial intelligence (AI). In Europe and the United States, it is widely used as a means to solve it quickly and at low cost, but Japan’s legal infrastructure is based on paper procedures and IT (information technology) has been delayed. A public-private expert conference will be organized this summer as well, and the basic policy will be compiled in 2019.”

Excerpt from the Google Translate of the body of the article: “The Japanese version of ODR (Online Dispute Resolution), which the government will consider introducing, will carry out various tasks such as accepting problems, exchanging claims, exchanging evidence, etc. on the Internet. Once ODR is realized, you will be able to go online after returning home or at lunchtime. There is no need to go to a court {…} and the time and cost until resolution can be reduced.”

(h/t Mayu)