While taking the real work of the people’s courts into consideration, the Opinions aim to leverage the role of blockchain in cementing judicial credibility, facilitating social governance, preventing and resolving risks, promoting high-quality development, etc., so as to reinforce the advance of smart courts on all fronts and the modernization of the judicial system and judicial capabilities. The Opinions issued May 23, 2022 include the following sections: I. Overall requirements; II. Requirements on building the blockchain platforms of the people’s courts; III. Making the most of the data tamper-proof technology of blockchain to further enhance judicial credibility; IV. Giving full play of the essential role of blockchain in optimizing business processes to constantly improve judicial efficiency; V. Fully tapping the tremendous potential of blockchain connectivity to enhance judicial collaboration; VI. Leveraging properties of the blockchain alliance of mutual recognition and trustworthiness to facilitate economic and social governance; VII. Guarantee measures. To read it please see:https://sway.office.com/TZCGYoTyLFfVqxbO (Michael Fang; Zeng Yating at HUT Law School)