Thank you for a wonderful Cyberweek!
We had a great time pulling it together. We’re already making plans for 2020. Make sure to click on the agenda to watch the sessions
you missed on youtube.

“Leah Wing and I and the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution are most grateful to Colin and others who organized this year’s Cyberweek. The first Cyberweek was in 1998. To those of you who enjoyed the week’s activities, please follow ODR.INFO and join ICODR. It is clear that the future we imagined in 1998 is largely here. We look forward to an even more ambitious Cyberweek next year. For those of you who can, please attend ODR2020 in Dublin in May 2020.” – Ethan Katsh
Congratulations to Luca Dal Pubel from San Diego University — he was the top performer in the Grand re-Opening of the International eNegotiation Exhibition. He passed all the written exams with flying colors and demonstrated his mastery of Smartsettle ONE in the practicum (the contest) having achieved a score of 90. Congrats, Luca!

Note: the Agenda has youtube links so you can replay sessions you missed
Thank you to Cyberweek 2019 Supporters! (Click for the full list)
(To visit the Spanish Cyberweek, which is happening concurrently, just visit