Hangzhou Internet Court launches platform for cross-border digital trade

On November 25, 2021, Hangzhou Internet Court officially launched the country’s first cross-border trade judicial dispute resolution platform. The platform concentrates on accepting disputes such as cross-border digital trade and Internet intellectual property rights under the jurisdiction of the Hangzhou Internet Court. Through a set of diversified and three-dimensional dispute resolution channels and systems, it connects mediation and arbitration, etc., as recognized by APEC’s 21 member economies. “Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Cross-border E-commerce (B2B) Online Dispute Resolution Cooperation Framework” and “Model Procedure Rules” to achieve online “one-stop” resolution of various disputes such as mediation, arbitration, notarization, and litigation, and help strengthen cross-border The establishment of a judicial coordination mechanism serves to ensure the healthy development of the digital economy, contributes “Hangzhou Wisdom” and exports “Chinese experience” to global Internet governance. [Translation assistance by Google Translate and Michael Fang.] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/crvdccLsqZGwz4jAfOpi6w

China’s first judicial ODR platform is a further step forward after the launch of the first online arbitration platform. In February, 2021, the Guangzhou Arbitration Commission launched a cross-border ODR platform for MSMEs in the APEC member economies.  http://en.moj.gov.cn/2021-02/04/c_587662.htm

(h/t Michael Fang)