Director, National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution
Senior Lecturer II, Legal Studies Program, Political Science Department, University of Massachusetts/Amherst (USA)
Co-founder and 2023 President, Board of Directors, International Council for Online Dispute Resolution.
Leah heads the Ethical Principles for Online Dispute Resolution initiative of NCTDR and is chair of the Standards Committee, International Council for Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR). She co-lead the development of the Online Dispute Resolution Standards issued by NCTDR & ICODR. Leah has taught dispute resolution since 1993 and served as a researcher on early experiments in online dispute resolution. Leah is on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution and of Conflict Resolution Quarterly, served two terms on the Association of Conflict Resolution Board of Directors, and is on the advisory board of ODREurope.
Leah’s present ODR research projects focus on: ethical principles and standards, disaster response, digital harm doing, and technologically assisted divorce. She has participated in interdisciplinary research funded by the National Science Foundation:
- The Fourth Party: Improving Computer-Mediated Deliberation through Cognitive, Social and Emotional Support
- Process Families and their Application to Online Dispute Resolution
- Process Technology for Achieving Government Online Dispute Resolution
Leah’s recent ODR publications concentrate on ethics and the critical examination of conflict transformation theory and practices in both the online and offline worlds:
- Wing, L., Draper, C., Cooper, S. and Rainey, D. Governing AI. De Gruyter Brill. (forthcoming).
- Wing, L. and Loebl, Zbynek. “Impressions from the 2024 ODR Forum in Prague” podcast with interviewer, Ian MacDuff. International Council for Online Dispute Resolution Podcast Series, Episode 29, June 17, 2024, 53 minutes.
- Wing, L. and Draper, C. “Parameters of Online Dispute Resolution: Introducing a New Framework for ODR.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, (9)2, 2022, 112-123.
- Wing, L. Rainey, D., Obi-Farinde, M. Elisavetsky, A. and Cortes, P. “ODR Ethics and Standards: The Revised NCTDR and ICODR Standards.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, (9)2, 2022, 124-132.
- Katsh, E., Draper, C., Ebner, N., Loebl, Z., Rainey, D., Ross, G., Rule, C., Vilalta, E. and Wing, L. “Comments on Artificial Intelligence.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, (9)2, 2022, 147-176.
- Wing, L. “Ethics and Online Dispute Resolution” podcast with interviewer, Ian MacDuff. International Council for Online Dispute Resolution Podcast Series, Episode 3, June 27, 2022, 35 minutes.
- Wing, L. “Mapping Online Dispute Resolution.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution Vol. 9, No.1, 2022, 3-16.
- Wing, L. with Draper, C. Framing the Parameters of Online Dispute Resolution. National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, 2022.
- Schmitz, A. and Wing, L. “Beneficial and Ethical ODR for Family Issues.” Family Court Review. Special Issue: Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). 59(2), April 2021, 250-267.
- Wing, L., Martinez, J., Katsh, E. and Rule, C. “Designing Ethical Online Dispute Resolution Systems: The Rise of the Fourth Party.” Negotiation Journal 37(1), Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and Negotiation, Winter 2021, 49-64.
- Wing, L. and Rainey, D. “Ethical Principles and Standards for Online Dispute Resolution.” in Rainey, D., Katsh, E., and Wahab, M. (eds.), Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice, Second Edition. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2021, 19-47.
- Wing, L. “Artificial Intelligence and Online Dispute Resolution Systems Design: Lack of/Access to Justice Magnified.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2017, 16-20.
- Wing, L. “Ethical Principles for Online Dispute Resolution: A GPS Device for the Field.” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2016, 12-29.
- Wing, L. “Social Impact and Technology: Issues of Access, Inequality and Disputing in the Collaborative Economy,” International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution, (1)2, 2014, 150-160.
- Wing, L. and Rainey, D. “Online Dispute Resolution and the Development of Theory.” In Wahab, M., Katsh, E., and Rainey, D. (eds.), Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2012, 23-38.
Leah is also particularly interested in the role that technology, geography, and art play in conflict and its resolution and she directs the Center’s Art of Conflict Transformation program. She is presently collaborating with partners from several nations on the development of online archives and exhibition space for conflict-related art as part of conflict transformation processes.
Beyond research and teaching, Leah has been a mediator and trainer for educational institutions, government agencies, and non-profits since 1983. Leah has received the:
- Award for Distinguished Service to the Field of Conflict Resolution, Association for Conflict Resolution
- JAMS Award for Outstanding Publication in the Field of Conflict Resolution Education for Recommended Standards for School-Based Peer Mediation Programs, (contributing editor).
- Kuumba Award in Appreciation of Support and Efforts in Promoting Opportunities in the Field of Alternative Dispute Resolution for Minority Professionals, Capital University Law School, Minority ADR Program, Columbus, Ohio
- Chancellor’s Award for Multiculturalism, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- University Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- College of Social and Behavioral Sciences College Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Without coding fairness and equality into artificial intelligence (AI), it won’t emerge as an outcome. NO CODE, NO JUSTICE.