
The National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution

Framing the Parameters for Online Dispute Resolution (NCTDR 2022)

Online Dispute Resolution Bibliography

Online Dispute Resolution & AI Bibliography

This purpose of these bibliographies is to archive citations of publications on Online Dispute Resolution–the use of technology in handling disputes inside and outside of courts, including the use of artifical intelligence (AI). The Online Dispute Resolution & AI Bibliography covers only the latter.

While our main purpose is to identify books, book chapters, and journal articles on ODR, a less comprehensive collection of writing in trade and professional journals, conference proceedings, and other formats appears toward the end of the documents.

Each type of publication appears according to year of publication (in reverse order), and alphabetically (by the last name of the first author). Links have been provided when possible, with preference given to links to full-text versions of the articles.

The bibliography incorporates, amongst many other titles, material from previous lists, including those compiled by Ethan Katsh, Leah Wing, Dan Rainey, Noam Ebner, Fellows of The National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, and the ODR Committee of the ADR Institute of Canada. Our recognition and thanks to all compilers, curators, and sharers!

This bibliography was compiled by Noam Ebner, who asked in return only to be known as Hunter of Lost Scrolls. Previously, he was ably assisted by Dennis Davis, working with the ABA’s Section on Dispute Resolution’s Task Force on ODR. Noam continues to curate and update the bibliographies.

The two bibliographies will be updated periodically. You can submit citations for publications of your own or others for inclusion. We seek material of the following types: published journal articles, book chapters, and books; articles from professional journals and conference proceedings; and published or unpublished masters and doctoral theses. We are not accepting blog contributions, websites, newspaper entries, or webinars.

When submitting, please indicate whether or not the publication specifically addresses artificial intelligence (AI). This will help to determine if it goes into one or both bibliographies: the Online Dispute Resolution and AI Bibliography and/or the Online Dispute Resolution Bibliography.

To submit items for inclusion in the bibliography, write NCTDR Fellow, Noam Ebner: noam at



Fellows of NCTDR produced these treatises on ODR:

Rainey, D., Katsh, E., and Wahab, M. (eds.), Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice. A Treatise on Technology and Dispute Resolution. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2021.

This 2012 edition is available for download:

Wahab, M., Katsh, E., and Rainey, D. (eds.), Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2012.