Alberto Elisavetsky, Director of ODR Latinoamerica, has been invited to work in the ODR pilot project of Tlaxcala’s Judicial Power, Mexico.
Here follows the official invitation:
Alberto Elisavetsky
Director of the Observatory of Social Conflict
Tres de Febrero National University, Argentina.
In compliance to the Strategic Institutional Plan 2018-2020 of the Judicial Power of the State of Tlaxcala, in line of action 2.3.2 Motivate the training of the public facilitator around the use of TIC’s, with a perspective on distance mediation/on-line and 4.2.3 Establish strategic alliances for spreading internally and externally the actions of training that the Institute executes; as well as considering your wide trajectory and knowledge in new technologies applied to dispute resolution, you are invited on September 6 & 7 of this year to the facilities of Judicial City, Tlaxcala, Mexico to support the Project of Distance Conflict Resolution Pilot Plan.
Kind regards, hoping to count with your valuable presence.
Santa Anita Huiloac, Apizaco, Tlaxcala, August the 20th 2018
President Magistrate of the Superior Tribunal of Justice of the State of Tlaxcala.