The Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino (UNSTA) joined ODR Latinoamerica to organize the face-to-face and Virtual Congress ODR Expo Tech NOA Edition, being this the first regional venue of this prestigious event.
UNSTA has been, for more than ten years, a recognized institution in the training of professional mediators in the province of Tucumán and the NOA region (Jujuy, Catamarca, San Luis, La Rioja, Tucumán y Santiago del Estero provinces). The philosophy of mediation and the appropriate resolution of conflicts are part of the vision of the university, and correspond to concrete actions and values necessary for the construction of more peaceful societies.
ODR Latinoamerica is a prestigious academic and research space in the articulation of new technologies and conflict resolution with a long history in the promotion of ODR, and the continuous training courses for the different conflict operators in the public and private spheres.
Together, we intend to take this experience of transmitting knowledge and practices to different parts of the planet, for which we have developed a program that combines face-to-face and virtual sessions in a synchronous and asynchronous format, in which renowned local and international specialists will participate.
Convinced that only through joint work, collaborative learning and research within the field of conflict resolution with the use of technological means, we will be able to improve the mechanisms available so that society has a diversified system for the appropriate care of each conflict, according to its own nature. This is why we invite you to join us in this great event. Registration is for free (without certification in PDF, which is a separate paid service we offer) https://expotechnoa.eventbrite.com.ar
It is for these reasons that, inspired by the need to continue promoting the growth of different conflict resolution methodologies mediated by the use of I&CT, and hoping to be able to share local developments with the experiences of prestigious professionals from different parts of the world, that we proudly organized this event. Hope you can join us!