If you want to visit the homepage of Cyberweek 2019 Spanish Chapter go here: http://odrlatinoamerica.com/cyberweek-pagina-de-acceso/
Password: cyberuser58
If you want to visit the homepage of Cyberweek 2019 Spanish Chapter go here: http://odrlatinoamerica.com/cyberweek-pagina-de-acceso/
Password: cyberuser58
Thank you for a wonderful Cyberweek!
We had a great time pulling it together. We’re already making plans for 2020. Make sure to click on the agenda to watch the sessions
you missed on youtube.
“Leah Wing and I and the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution are most grateful to Colin and others who organized this year’s Cyberweek. The first Cyberweek was in 1998. To those of you who enjoyed the week’s activities, please follow ODR.INFO and join ICODR. It is clear that the future we imagined in 1998 is largely here. We look forward to an even more ambitious Cyberweek next year. For those of you who can, please attend ODR2020 in Dublin in May 2020.” – Ethan Katsh
Congratulations to Luca Dal Pubel from San Diego University — he was the top performer in the Grand re-Opening of the International eNegotiation Exhibition. He passed all the written exams with flying colors and demonstrated his mastery of Smartsettle ONE in the practicum (the contest) having achieved a score of 90. Congrats, Luca!
Note: the Agenda has youtube links so you can replay sessions you missed
Thank you to Cyberweek 2019 Supporters! (Click for the full list)
(To visit the Spanish Cyberweek, which is happening concurrently, just visit
Great data set from the Franklin County, Ohio Court ODR project presented at odr2019.org — check it out here.
From the presentation:
“Income and race have historically served as predictors for case dispositions. Positive dispositions are associated with high income and low minority rates while low income and high minority rates are associated with negative case dispositions. The 2015 NCSC State of State Courts Poll highlights the issue and the public desire for courts to develop innovative, technology-based solutions that promote dispute resolution options.
The purpose of the FCMC Data Project is to demonstrate the value of court-connected alternative dispute resolution, promote transparency, and provide a resource for anyone interested in court-connected mediation and online dispute resolution as an access to justice initiative.
Project analyses are defendant-focused. Project data, including party information and case dispositions, are static as of September 2019. Project data were manually collected and entered and subject to human error. In accordance with Ohio law, some data were not collected…
Low-to-middle income defendants in the non-ODR tax sample set experienced a lower percentage of dismissals than upper income and out-of-county defendants, whose income levels exceed low-to-middle income defendants. Similarly, higher minority percentage defendants experienced a lower percentage of dismissals.
ODR tax participants experienced both a higher rate of dismissals and a relatively equal percentage of dismissals across income groups. The average dollar amount at issue in the CDIT ODR dataset was $1,041.51. Low, middle, and upper income defendants had nearly identical dismissal percentages. Similarly, minority percentages increased without negative case dispositions.
A significant percentage of ODR participants accessed the portal outside of traditional business hours (8 am to 5 pm)…
The CDIT ODR portal achieved its three primary goals:
Learn more at
The International Council for Online Dispute Resolution (ICODR) Training and Education Committee has begun work on its primary mission: to develop, disseminate, and manage ODR training norms or standards that serve the community of trainers, third parties and the primary parties whom they may serve, as well as the developers and platform providers who constitute the corps of fourth parties providing ICT platforms.
The Committee’s work will serve the trainers by establishing standards that ensure current, accurate, and applicable content for ODR training. The ICODR seal of approval will be the hallmark ODR trainers strive to meet and proudly display.
The Committee will be developing a process for training approval management to be handled by ICODR.
The Committee’s work will serve the community of third parties by assuring them that by taking ICODR approved training they are working to maintain competency and currency in the practice of ODR.
The Committee’s work will serve the primary parties by giving them a trusted means of determining the preparation and training of third parties they may use to assist in the resolution of disputes.
The Committee’s work will serve the fourth party community by establishing training standards that will give guidance to those developing and managing ODR platforms to ensure effective and ethical performance.
In pursuit and maintenance of its work, the ICODR Training and Education Committee is committed to engaging in an open and transparent process of discussion and development, including a full cross-section of the ODR community.
“LANSING, MI, August 7, 2019 – The Michigan Supreme Court today announced the availability of MI-Resolve, an online service that provides an efficient and affordable way of resolving disputes that are typically filed as small claims, general civil, or landlord-tenant cases in the district court. Initially available in 17 counties, the online service is one of the first of its kind in the nation.
“Making court services more accessible means opening both real and virtual courtroom doors,” said Chief Justice Bridget M. McCormack. “With the help of groundbreaking services such as MI-Resolve, Michigan is a national leader in boosting access to justice online.”
Through MI-Resolve, parties can resolve their disputes online with or without the help of a trained neutral person, known as a mediator. The mediator works to help parties identify a solution to a dispute that best works for them; the system walks the parties through the steps to reach a resolution. The new online service is a game changer because people who are busy with work or children can benefit from mediation on their own schedule. Individuals do not need to have a case filed in court to use MI-Resolve, but if they do have a case pending in court, they can still use this service to try to reach a settlement before a hearing or trial date. Currently, there is no fee to use MI-Resolve.
Michigan’s pilot project is expected to expand statewide in the near future.”
To learn more, visit
We are pleased to announce the list of speakers and presenters for the 2019 International Online Dispute Resolution conference. This year’s conference will be held in Williamsburg, VA from October 28-30. It is being hosted by the National Center for State Courts and co-sponsored by the National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution. In addition to many sessions on the use of ODR in the private sector, a major focus of the conference this year will be on ODR in the courts. We hope that you will be able to join us.
“The Research Group Law Enforcement of the Faculty of Law is seeking to fill a full-time (100%) vacancy for a
Doctoral Grant by the University Research Fund (BOF) in the area of Alternative Dispute Settlement – Procedural justice in online dispute resolution: an empirical enquiry
Relying on the existing practices, the project aims to explore the ways to ensure procedural justice in three most common ODR processes presently, namely online negotiation, mediation and arbitration. The project will follow a multi-method methodology and will combine doctrinal analysis with empirical research.”
To learn more, visit the job listing on AcademicPositions.com
(h/t Frank)
Mediation in light of the New Technologies. A multi-geographic journey through the origins and present of conflict resolution and technological impact
The new book by Alberto Elisavetsky – Coordinator: Daniela Almirón
¡Get your e-book sample with special launch discount!
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Nikkei Newspaper July 7, 2019
Article summary:
“The government will set up a system to resolve civil disputes such as divorces and traffic accidents on the Internet. Consider introducing next-generation legal services that utilize artificial intelligence (AI). In Europe and the United States, it is widely used as a means to solve it quickly and at low cost, but Japan’s legal infrastructure is based on paper procedures and IT (information technology) has been delayed. A public-private expert conference will be organized this summer as well, and the basic policy will be compiled in 2019.”
Excerpt from the Google Translate of the body of the article: “The Japanese version of ODR (Online Dispute Resolution), which the government will consider introducing, will carry out various tasks such as accepting problems, exchanging claims, exchanging evidence, etc. on the Internet. Once ODR is realized, you will be able to go online after returning home or at lunchtime. There is no need to go to a court {…} and the time and cost until resolution can be reduced.”
(h/t Mayu)