Daniel Rainey (http://danielrainey.us/) has been asked to join the Uniform Law Commission (ULC – https://www.uniformlaws.org/home) as an observer to the study committee following the work of the U.N. Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation. According to the ULC’s self description, the ULC “(also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), established in 1892, provides states with non-partisan, well-conceived and well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.” The study committee is focused on the Singapore Convention and its impact. As an observer, Rainey will bring an online dispute resolution (ODR) perspective to the committee’s deliberations, and will introduce a discussion of the Universal Disclosure Protocol for Mediation (UDPM – https://universaldisclosureprotocolmediation.com/ or https://udpm.org).
Legal ODR Market Projected to Top $210m by 2028
Emergen Research has just released a report attempting to size the Legal ODR market.
From their press release:
” The global legal Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) market size was USD 57.3 million in 2020, and is expected to reach USD 210.53 million 2028, and register a revenue CAGR of 17.5% during the forecast period, according to the latest report by Emergen Research. The arbitration segment accounted for largest share in the legal ODR market… The study offers comprehensive coverage of the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the Legal Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) market along with crucial statistical data about the Legal Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) market…
A primary factor driving market revenue growth is the rapid surge in number of individuals and parties, civilian, and commercial entities, and others, opting to resolve legal or judicial disputes virtually or across distances, and without any contact or physical appearance in a courtroom or at in the presence of judicial bodies… Increasing number of legal cases and disputes arising from e-Commerce sector are some key factors driving steady revenue growth of the global legal ODR market. The crisis has affected the demand and supply pattern, as well as the trends of the industry. It has also brought an economic slowdown that has affected the business of the key manufacturers of the industry. The report estimates the impact of this crisis on the current scenario and future prospects and provides a post-COVID market scenario.”
You can read more here.
Open submissions at ODR EXPO.TECH 2022
At ODR EXPO TECH «Digitally Transforming Mediation» (April 26 to 28, 2022) we’re looking for your innovative proposal!

Do you want to know the presenters of ODR EXPO.TECH 2022? Click here!
The Republic of India Breaks New Ground with ODR Policy
The Republic of India became the first national government to issue a whole-of-government comprehensive policy on online dispute resolution. ODR Principles (National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution) and ODR Standards (International Council for Online Dispute Resolution) are referenced and incorporated.
Hangzhou Internet Court launches platform for cross-border digital trade
On November 25, 2021, Hangzhou Internet Court officially launched the country’s first cross-border trade judicial dispute resolution platform. The platform concentrates on accepting disputes such as cross-border digital trade and Internet intellectual property rights under the jurisdiction of the Hangzhou Internet Court. Through a set of diversified and three-dimensional dispute resolution channels and systems, it connects mediation and arbitration, etc., as recognized by APEC’s 21 member economies. “Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Cross-border E-commerce (B2B) Online Dispute Resolution Cooperation Framework” and “Model Procedure Rules” to achieve online “one-stop” resolution of various disputes such as mediation, arbitration, notarization, and litigation, and help strengthen cross-border The establishment of a judicial coordination mechanism serves to ensure the healthy development of the digital economy, contributes “Hangzhou Wisdom” and exports “Chinese experience” to global Internet governance. [Translation assistance by Google Translate and Michael Fang.] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/crvdccLsqZGwz4jAfOpi6w
China’s first judicial ODR platform is a further step forward after the launch of the first online arbitration platform. In February, 2021, the Guangzhou Arbitration Commission launched a cross-border ODR platform for MSMEs in the APEC member economies. http://en.moj.gov.cn/2021-02/04/c_587662.htm
(h/t Michael Fang)
“Consumer Trust in the Digital Economy: The Case for ODR”
New UNCTAD Research Paper (No. 72):
“As e-commerce expansion surges, consumer trust remains fragile. This mismatch, greatly fuelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, reveals disparities between the rapid pace with which consumer activities are being migrated online and inadequate consumer protection.
Dispute resolution mechanism has been proposed by consumer experts as an essential tool that helps to foster trust. The notion of trust is unpacked to theorize why it matters in business transaction, and how a third-party can serve as an institutional mechanism to help transacting parties overcome distrust and settle dispute.
To examine how the theories work in practice, selected studies are reviewed to determine whether the presence of consumer dispute resolution promotes trust and whether its absence leads to business costs. This includes in-house business online dispute resolution such as customer support and third-party e-payment systems. The findings confirm that effective online dispute resolution processes can increase trust along with consumer loyalty and repurchasing intentions, as well as prevent customer churn and dissatisfaction.
The trust-enabling benefits of online dispute resolution are yet to be fully realized, especially for cross-border business-to-consumer e-commerce. Wider awareness and implementation are needed, but these global challenges require timely collaborations by the international community.”
Consumer trust in the digital economy: The case for online dispute resolution | UNCTAD
(h/t Ying)
ODR in Large Bankruptcies
Maarten van Buuren on the Leiden Law Blog:
“Such an ODR tool might also be very useful in ‘closed’ situations such as large bankruptcies: through the use of blockchain technology, the receivers in the bankruptcy might come up with a relatively simple solution and use ODR to resolve straightforward disputes with customers through an online arbitration process. Many disputes could be dealt with this way in a relatively short period of time, which could also be useful in easing emotions. Enforcement could be guaranteed through an escrow account of the receivers or a third-party guarantee, such as the ‘Stichting Garantiefonds Reisgelden’ in the Netherlands which guarantees certain elements of purchased travel arrangements. As the outcome of disputes can be shown on the Blockchain, that as such could create ‘jurisprudence’ which might limit upcoming proceedings and could be helpful in future settlements.”
Read more:
Could online dispute resolution help in the Thomas Cook bankruptcy? – Leiden Law Blog
(h/t Mike Dennis)
New Study Plans in ODR are new experiences for students
The National University of Tres de Febrero Argentina (UNTREF), for its University Degree in Conflict Resolution and Mediation face-to-face and distance modalities, is pleased to announce that, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, the subject “Online Conflict Resolution” has been included in the study plan with a four-month workload of 64 hours lecture.
The dictation of the same has been carried out the two semesters of the current year and Alberto Elisavetsky have had the honor of being the tenured professor.
At the end of the course, we asked the students for a video on the positive and negative of the assigned task, to articulate the resolution of conflicts with new technologies.
We share with you one of them that I consider synthesizes the learning experience
23rd annual Cyberweek a success!
Thanks to all the presenters, participants, and sponsors of our 23rd annual Cyberweek, the longest-running and largest online conference focused on Online Dispute Resolution. Videos of the rich mix of panel presentations, tech demos, and engaged discussions about the impact of COVID on tech usage, the growth of ODR in new sectors, and implications for the future are archived on the program agenda.
Cyberweek 2021 is here!

Yes, it’s that time of year again — Cyberweek 2021! This year will be our 23rd annual Cyberweek, the largest online conference focused on Online Dispute Resolution.
The conference will run from October 31 until November 5, and we’ve pulled together an exciting line up of speakers filled with the top presenters from around the globe. Come join conversations on cutting edge topics in ODR with practitioners and scholars, including a panel each day with authors from the newly released treatise Online Dispute Resolution–Theory and Practice (2nd edition).
The homepage for the week is at http://odr.info/cyberweek2021 — and the latest agenda (which we will be constantly updating) is always available here and by clicking on the banner below:

All of the links to join the sessions are embedded in the agenda, and as sessions complete and we upload the video we’ll put the links to watch the recordings into the agenda as well.
Thank you to Cyberweek 2021 Supporters! (Click for the full list)
We will also be posting resources throughout the week — let us know (crule@odr.com) if you have any suggestions or resources you’d like us to share.
We hope to see you online!